- Marshall, A. and Bieck, C. (2024), “Metaverse: the post–hype future”, Strategy & Leadership, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. https://doi.org/10.1108/SL-12-2023-0122
- Marshall, A., Bieck, C., Dencik, J., Goehring, B.C. and Warrick, R. (2024), “How generative AI will drive enterprise innovation”, Strategy & Leadership, Vol. 52 No. 1, pp. 23-28. https://doi.org/10.1108/SL-12-2023-0126
- Anderson, Cindy, Christian Bieck and Anthony Marshall. “The post-pandemic overconfidence trap: Five myths business leaders need to debunk“. IBM Institute for Business Value. Aug 2022. https://www.ibm.com/thought-leadership/institute-business-value/en-us/report/post-pandemic-overconfidence
- Anderson, C., Bieck, C. and Marshall, A. (2022), “Are post-COVID return-to-growth plans gaining priority over transformation?”, Strategy & Leadership, Vol. 50 No. 3, pp. 35-39. https://doi.org/10.1108/SL-03-2022-0018
- Bieck, Christian, Noel Garry and Mark McLaughlin. “Becoming a risk concierge: From insurance provider to customer companion.” IBM Institute for Business Value. Nov 2021. http://ibm.co/insurance-customer-experience
- Bieck, Christian, David Kwon and Wendy Newlove. „The cloud-based insurance claim.” IBM Institute for Business Value. Sept 2021. https://www.ibm.com/thought-leadership/institute-business-value/en-us/report/cloud-insurance-ai
- Bieck, Christian, Andrew Ellis and Wendy Newlove. “Personalization, platforms, and data-designed offerings”. IBM Institute for Business Value. March 2021. http://ibm.co/insurance-data-personalization
- Anderson Anderson, C., Bieck, C. and Marshall, A. (2021), “How business is adapting to COVID-19: Executive insights reveal post-pandemic opportunities”, Strategy & Leadership, Vol. 49 No. 1, pp. 38-47. https://doi.org/10.1108/SL-11-2020-0140
- Bieck, C. and Marshall, A. (2020), “Redirecting resources to promote post-pandemic growth”, Strategy & Leadership, Vol. 48 No. 6, pp. 45-50. https://doi.org/10.1108/SL-09-2020-0121
- Bieck, Christian, Yoann Michaux and Matthew Stremel. “Elevating the insurance customer experience”. IBM Institute for Business Value. October 2020. http://ibm.co/insurance-cx
- Bieck, Christian and Anthony Marshall. “How to invest now to expedite COVID-19 recovery“. IBM Institute for Business Value. July 2020. https://www.ibm.com/thought-leadership/institute-business-value/report/covid-19-recovery
- Bieck, Christian, Fu’ad Butt and Patrick Sherian. “Insurance on the platform: The positive impact on costs and revenues”. IBM Institute for Business Value. October 2019. http://ibm.co/insplatforms
- Bieck, Christian, Anthony Marshall and Meera Srinivasan. “How to jumpstart India’s insurance industry through a customer centric strategy”. IBM Institute for Business Value. April 2019. http://ibm.co/india-insurance
- Bieck, Christian, Brian Goehring and Praveen Velichety. “Solving the customer relevance riddle: How AI-derived insights can help insurers deliver what customers really want”. IBM Institute for Business Value. March 2019. http://ibm.co/coginsurer
- Bieck, Christian, Noel Garry and Holger Münch. “The platform-fueled future – New ways to differentiate in a changing insurance industry.” IBM Institute for Business Value. September 2018. http://ibm.biz/insplatforms
- Bieck, Christian, Lynn Kesterson-Townes, Anthony Marshall, Mark McLaughlin and Stefan Riedel. “Friend or foe? Insurtechs and the global insurance industry.“ IBM Institute for Business Value. February 2018. http://ibm.biz/insurtechs
- Bedell, Craig, Christian Bieck, Anthony Marshall and Stefan Riedel. “You, me or us? Digital Reinvention in the global insurance industry”. IBM Institute for Business Value. October 2017. http://ibm.biz/DRinsurance
- Bieck, Christian, Peter Maas and Lee-Han Tjioe. “Data: Gold or Kryptonite? An insurer’s guide to the resource of the future”. IBM Institute for Business Value. October 2017. http://ibm.biz/insurancedata
- Bieck, Christian, Stefan Lutz, Anthony Marshall and David Zaharchuk. “Germany’s promise: Opportunities to realize Germany’s economic potential”. IBM Institute for Business Value. September 2017. http://ibm.biz/germanypromise
- Bieck, Christian and Mark McLaughlin. “Insurance 2025: Reducing risk in an uncertain future.“ IBM Institute for Business Value. March 2017. http://ibm.biz/insurance2025
- Bieck, Christian, Andrea Cornelius, Sandip Patel and Hirosuke Uramatsu. “Rethinking insurance: How cognitive computing enhances engagement and efficiency”. IBM Institute for Business Value. November 2016. http://ibm.biz/rethinkinsurance
- Bieck Christian, Maya Bundt, Patricia Hamilton, Kurt Karl, Michael Schmitt and Pawel Stefanski. “Cyber and beyond: Insurance and risk in a digitally connected world.” IBM Institute for Business Value. June 2016. http://ibm.biz/cyberinsurance
- Bieck, Christian, Lynn Kesterson-Townes, Anthony Marshall and Indranil Nath. “Innovating insurance – Lessons from the world’s leading innovators”. IBM Institute for Business Value. March 2016. http://ibm.biz/innovate_ins
- Bedell, Craig, Christian Bieck, John Franzis, Anthony Marshall and Sandipan Sarkar. “Understanding customers and risk: Your cognitive future in the insurance industry”. October 2015. IBM Institute for Business Value. http://ibm.biz/cognitiveins
- Bieck, Christian and Lee-Han Tjioe. “Capturing hearts, minds and market share: How connected insurers are improving customer retention.” June 2015. IBM Institute for Business Value. http://www-935.ibm.com/services/us/gbs/thoughtleadership/insuranceretention/
- Bieck, Christian and Andrea Cornelius. „Winning strategies for insurers: How industry leaders are excelling outside the comfort zone.“ June 2014. IBM Institute for Business Value. http://www-935.ibm.com/services/us/gbs/thoughtleadership/winningstrategies/
- Bieck, Christian, Anthony Marshall and Sandip Patel. „Digital reinvention: Trust, transparency and technology in the insurance world of tomorrow.“ January 2014. IBM Institute for Business Value. http://www.ibm.com/business/value/digitalreinvention-insurance
- Bieck, Christian, Peter Maas and Tobias Schlager. “Insurers, intermediaries and interactions: From channels to networks.” December 2012. IBM Institute for Business Value. http://ibm.com/gbs/intermediaries
- Bieck, Christian. “Powerful interaction points: The country by country view.” Aug 2012. IBM Institute for Business Value. http://www.ibm.com/common/ssi/cgi-bin/ssialias?subtype=XB&infotype=PM&appname=GBSE_GB_TI_USEN&htmlfid=GBE03516USEN&attachment=GBE03516USEN.PDF
- Nyilas, Jason and Christian Bieck. „The future of the pensions industry: Power to the members“. Sept 2012. IBM Institute for Business Value. http://www.ibm.com/gbs/futureofpensions
- Bieck, Christian and Ake Freij. “Solving the innovation puzzle”. Nordisk försäkringstidskrift 4/2011.
- Bieck, Christian, Mareike Bodderas, Peter Maas and Tobias Schlager. “Saying goodbye to the channel.” I.VW Trendmonitor St. Gallen (CH) 01/2011 S.27ff
- Bieck, Christian, Mareike Bodderas, Peter Maas and Tobias Schlager. “Powerful interaction points: Saying goodbye to the channel.” December 2010. IBM Institute for Business Value. http://ibm.com/gbs/insuranceinteraction
- Bieck, Christian and Ake Freij. “Solving the innovation puzzle: A framework for consistent innovation in banking and insurance”. Sept 2010. IBM Institute for Business Value. http://www-935.ibm.com/services/us/gbs/thoughtleadership/ibv-banking-insurance-innovation.html?ca=rss_bcs
- Bieck, Christian and David Notestein. “Insight: Weather Patterns – ‘Smart’ systems and analytics help batten down the insurance hatches ahead of global climate change”. Best’s Review, Feb 2010
- Steiner, Philip, Peter Maas and Christian Bieck. “Customer Value im Versicherungsbereich – Wie sich Kunden unterscheiden lassen”. I.VW Trendmonitor St. Gallen (CH) 04/2009 S. 10ff
- Bieck, Christian and David Notestein. “Balancing the scales: Toward a stable and dynamic insurance future”. IBM Institute for Business Value. Aug 2009. http://ibm.com/gbs/insurancebalance
- Bieck, Christian and James H. Bisker. “Updates on Insurance 2020 – Innovating Beyond Old Models”. Actuary of the Future, Issue 26 (May 2009), p.14
- Bieck, Christian: Insight. “Trust, Transparency And Technology”. Best’s Review April 2009
- Bühler, Pascal, Albert Graf and Christian Bieck. “Akzeptanz von nutzenbasierten Versicherungen bei Kunden”. Versicherungswirtschaft 15.03.2009. Heft 6, S. 412
- Bieck, Christian. “Growing trust, transparency and technology: Insurance customers’ perspectives in a global context”. IBM Institute for Business Value. Dec 2008. http://www-935.ibm.com/services/us/index.wss/ibvstudy/gbs/a1030834?cntxt=a1000058
- Maas, Peter, Albert Graf and Christian Bieck. “Trust, transparency and technology: European Customers Perspective on Insurance and Innovation”. Jan 2008. IBM Institute for Business Value. http://ibm.com/gbs/insuranceperspectives
- Bisker, Jamie and Christian Bieck. “Insurance 2020: Now what? Exploring initiatives for innovation”. IBM Institute for Business Value. Sept 2007.
- Seibel, Norbert and Christian Bieck. “Telematik und Usage-Based Insurance im Kfz-Bereich”. I.VW Trendmonitor St. Gallen (CH) 01/2007
- Bieck, Christian and Thilo Kaspowicz. “Solvency II – Ein neues Aufsichtsmodell für die Versicherungswirtschaft in der Europäischen Union”. Versicherungsbetriebswirt 04/2004