
  1. Marshall, A. and Bieck, C. (2024), “Metaverse: the post–hype future”, Strategy & Leadership, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.
  2. Marshall, A., Bieck, C., Dencik, J., Goehring, B.C. and Warrick, R. (2024), “How generative AI will drive enterprise innovation”, Strategy & Leadership, Vol. 52 No. 1, pp. 23-28.
  3. Anderson, Cindy, Christian Bieck and Anthony Marshall. “The post-pandemic overconfidence trap: Five myths business leaders need to debunk“. IBM Institute for Business Value. Aug 2022.
  4. Anderson, C., Bieck, C. and Marshall, A. (2022), “Are post-COVID return-to-growth plans gaining priority over transformation?”, Strategy & Leadership, Vol. 50 No. 3, pp. 35-39.
  5. Bieck, Christian, Noel Garry and Mark McLaughlin. “Becoming a risk concierge: From insurance provider to customer companion.” IBM Institute for Business Value. Nov 2021.
  6. Bieck, Christian, David Kwon and Wendy Newlove. „The cloud-based insurance claim.” IBM Institute for Business Value. Sept 2021.
  7. Bieck, Christian, Andrew Ellis and Wendy Newlove. “Personalization, platforms, and data-designed offerings”. IBM Institute for Business Value. March 2021.
  8. Anderson Anderson, C., Bieck, C. and Marshall, A. (2021), “How business is adapting to COVID-19: Executive insights reveal post-pandemic opportunities”, Strategy & Leadership, Vol. 49 No. 1, pp. 38-47.
  9. Bieck, C. and Marshall, A. (2020), “Redirecting resources to promote post-pandemic growth”, Strategy & Leadership, Vol. 48 No. 6, pp. 45-50.
  10. Bieck, Christian, Yoann Michaux and Matthew Stremel. “Elevating the insurance customer experience”. IBM Institute for Business Value. October 2020.
  11. Bieck, Christian and Anthony Marshall. “How to invest now to expedite COVID-19 recovery“. IBM Institute for Business Value. July 2020.
  12. Bieck, Christian, Fu’ad Butt and Patrick Sherian. “Insurance on the platform: The positive impact on costs and revenues”. IBM Institute for Business Value. October 2019.
  13. Bieck, Christian, Anthony Marshall and Meera Srinivasan. “How to jumpstart India’s insurance industry through a customer centric strategy”. IBM Institute for Business Value. April 2019.
  14. Bieck, Christian, Brian Goehring and Praveen Velichety. “Solving the customer relevance riddle: How AI-derived insights can help insurers deliver what customers really want”. IBM Institute for Business Value. March 2019.
  15. Bieck, Christian, Noel Garry and Holger Münch. “The platform-fueled future – New ways to differentiate in a changing insurance industry.” IBM Institute for Business Value. September 2018.
  16. Bieck, Christian, Lynn Kesterson-Townes, Anthony Marshall, Mark McLaughlin and Stefan Riedel. “Friend or foe? Insurtechs and the global insurance industry.“ IBM Institute for Business Value. February 2018.
  17. Bedell, Craig, Christian Bieck, Anthony Marshall and Stefan Riedel. “You, me or us? Digital Reinvention in the global insurance industry”. IBM Institute for Business Value. October 2017.
  18. Bieck, Christian, Peter Maas and Lee-Han Tjioe. “Data: Gold or Kryptonite? An insurer’s guide to the resource of the future”. IBM Institute for Business Value. October 2017.
  19. Bieck, Christian, Stefan Lutz, Anthony Marshall and David Zaharchuk. “Germany’s promise: Opportunities to realize Germany’s economic potential”. IBM Institute for Business Value. September 2017.
  20. Bieck, Christian and Mark McLaughlin. “Insurance 2025: Reducing risk in an uncertain future.“ IBM Institute for Business Value. March 2017.
  21. Bieck, Christian, Andrea Cornelius, Sandip Patel and Hirosuke Uramatsu. “Rethinking insurance: How cognitive computing enhances engagement and efficiency”. IBM Institute for Business Value. November 2016.
  22. Bieck Christian, Maya Bundt, Patricia Hamilton, Kurt Karl, Michael Schmitt and Pawel Stefanski. “Cyber and beyond: Insurance and risk in a digitally connected world.” IBM Institute for Business Value. June 2016.
  23. Bieck, Christian, Lynn Kesterson-Townes, Anthony Marshall and Indranil Nath. “Innovating insurance – Lessons from the world’s leading innovators”. IBM Institute for Business Value. March 2016.
  24. Bedell, Craig, Christian Bieck, John Franzis, Anthony Marshall and Sandipan Sarkar. “Understanding customers and risk: Your cognitive future in the insurance industry”. October 2015. IBM Institute for Business Value.
  25. Bieck, Christian and Lee-Han Tjioe. “Capturing hearts, minds and market share: How connected insurers are improving customer retention.” June 2015. IBM Institute for Business Value.
  26. Bieck, Christian and Andrea Cornelius. „Winning strategies for insurers: How industry leaders are excelling outside the comfort zone.“ June 2014. IBM Institute for Business Value.
  27. Bieck, Christian, Anthony Marshall and Sandip Patel. „Digital reinvention: Trust, transparency and technology in the insurance world of tomorrow.“ January 2014. IBM Institute for Business Value.
  28. Bieck, Christian, Peter Maas and Tobias Schlager. “Insurers, intermediaries and interactions: From channels to networks.” December 2012. IBM Institute for Business Value.
  29. Bieck, Christian. “Powerful interaction points: The country by country view.” Aug 2012. IBM Institute for Business Value.
  30. Nyilas, Jason and Christian Bieck. „The future of the pensions industry: Power to the members“. Sept 2012. IBM Institute for Business Value.
  31. Bieck, Christian and Ake Freij. “Solving the innovation puzzle”. Nordisk försäkringstidskrift 4/2011.
  32. Bieck, Christian, Mareike Bodderas, Peter Maas and Tobias Schlager. “Saying goodbye to the channel.” I.VW Trendmonitor St. Gallen (CH) 01/2011 S.27ff
  33. Bieck, Christian, Mareike Bodderas, Peter Maas and Tobias Schlager. “Powerful interaction points: Saying goodbye to the channel.” December 2010. IBM Institute for Business Value.
  34. Bieck, Christian and Ake Freij. “Solving the innovation puzzle: A framework for consistent innovation in banking and insurance”. Sept 2010. IBM Institute for Business Value.           
  35. Bieck, Christian and David Notestein. “Insight: Weather Patterns – ‘Smart’ systems and analytics help batten down the insurance hatches ahead of global climate change”. Best’s Review, Feb 2010
  36. Steiner, Philip, Peter Maas and Christian Bieck. “Customer Value im Versicherungsbereich – Wie sich Kunden unterscheiden lassen”. I.VW Trendmonitor St. Gallen (CH) 04/2009 S. 10ff
  37. Bieck, Christian and David Notestein. “Balancing the scales: Toward a stable and dynamic insurance future”. IBM Institute for Business Value. Aug 2009.
  38. Bieck, Christian and James H. Bisker. “Updates on Insurance 2020 – Innovating Beyond Old Models”. Actuary of the Future, Issue 26 (May 2009), p.14
  39. Bieck, Christian: Insight. “Trust, Transparency And Technology”. Best’s Review April 2009
  40. Bühler, Pascal, Albert Graf and Christian Bieck. “Akzeptanz von nutzenbasierten Versicherungen bei Kunden”. Versicherungswirtschaft 15.03.2009. Heft 6, S. 412
  41. Bieck, Christian. “Growing trust, transparency and technology: Insurance customers’ perspectives in a global context”. IBM Institute for Business Value. Dec 2008.
  42. Maas, Peter, Albert Graf and Christian Bieck. “Trust, transparency and technology: European Customers Perspective on Insurance and Innovation”. Jan 2008. IBM Institute for Business Value.
  43. Bisker, Jamie and Christian Bieck. “Insurance 2020: Now what? Exploring initiatives for innovation”. IBM Institute for Business Value. Sept 2007.
  44. Seibel, Norbert and Christian Bieck. “Telematik und Usage-Based Insurance im Kfz-Bereich”. I.VW Trendmonitor St. Gallen (CH) 01/2007
  45. Bieck, Christian and Thilo Kaspowicz. “Solvency II – Ein neues Aufsichtsmodell für die Versicherungswirtschaft in der Europäischen Union”. Versicherungsbetriebswirt 04/2004