You’ll get to see another one of my short stories in an anthology next year.
Tag: writing

Today’s blog title is a bit of clickbait, I admit, because of course they meow. But not always, and with everyone; which is why it

If you’ve been listening to Writing Excuses for any length of time, you’ve run across the MICE quotient. It’s a framework for creating and/or analyzing

Popular tropes often describe us writers as introverted and shy nerds, plying their craft in solitude in a dingy apartment, or sometimes in a cottage

As an author, you’ve probably been there: you’ve written a story that you’re proud of and that your writing group or test readers liked. You

Here in France, the first week of September is called “la rentrée”, literally “the return”. It’s the return to real life after the summer holidays,

I wrote a short story this weekend. It was on a call-for-submissions to a fantasy mag, and it got me thinking about the SF&F genre.[1]