Wow, it’s been more than half a year since I last updated the site here. So much for my promise from December. And I still wonder how writers with a full day job manage to keep their social presence(s) updated while still maintaining a normal day-to-day life with family and friends. (And writing regularly.) All of that with the background of shouting into the void, of course — but I feel that even if I was already published and had a following, it would be hard.

Any hints in the comments are appreciated.

Anyway, I have been busy writing in the meantime. “A Basquet of Cats” is fully revised, line-edited and combed for typos, and I’ve sent out the first few agent queries. And received the first rejection after one day. Better than waiting for 6 months without an answer, though, at least it allows me to move on to the next in the list. I understand this is a game of patience, just like so many things in life, so patience it is. I’ve given myself a first limit of 50 queries/rejections before I will start exploring self-publishing — sounds reasonable, doesn’t it?

Other than that, a bunch of short stories. Two more have been accepted to an anthology, which might happen or might not. Even if not, it’s vindication that my storytelling is reasonable good by now. I can still improve the work on details, but every piece brings us further along the path.

Apropos details: I just added a new drabble to the Stories section. I am starting to love these little pieces, forces you to make each word count. See what you think.

When I (re)started the site, I had thought I’d be publishing more stories. But if they are good enough to publish here, they should be good enough to submit to a paying market, mostly, right? Which mean I am keeping all of those new stories I mentioned earlier under wraps for now, except for those with weird formats or other reasons why I won’t try to sell them. There is another one coming, a collaboration with a marvelous artist. Stay tuned.

P.S. Oh, and we have new chicks, five of them, with a very happy (and protective) mother hen. Word cuteness is elevated once more!

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