2024 has been a good year for my short stories. My flash story “Herbert” was published in February by Pulse Publishing in the 99 Fleeting Fantasies anthology. For now, it’s been ebook and PoD only, but the publisher is planning to do a Kickstarter for a hardcover version later in the year. I haven’t read all the stories in 99FF yet, but those I have are fantastic, and being in Hugo winning company is so great. Plus, I got paid for the story, hence the title of this post.
Then, in April, two more stories: “The Magic of Spring” and “Resolutions” were published in the Writer’s Coffeehouse Dreamcatchers anthology. The Herbert, The Magic of Spring is Rural Fantasy — that’s like Urban Fantasy, only expressly not urban. I didn’t even know that the subgenre existed until a few weeks ago; I’ve actually written a bunch of those stories, and just called them “Tales from the Countryside” as the working title for a possible future short story collection. Anyway, Magic of Spring is an original story-within-a-story fairy tale, written for kids and adults.
Resolutions hews more closely to the anthology’s “dream” theme. It’s a series of journal entries about an MC who gets their life together by becoming a dream walker — literally.
Other than that, still busy on the writing front. A bunch of short story rejections, some more outstanding. Making some revisions to the cat novel (I’ll write a separate post about that), and started a new one last November, a secondary fantasy murder mystery.
And let’s see whether I’ll be posting more than twice a year in 2024. I do plan to, but life has the tendency of getting in the way…